Re-entry (belated)

Back to the Upper Midwest

I've been meaning to write this follow up since the day we returned but for some reason, just kept it in my head instead of pressing the keys. Meanwhile my memories and thoughts are loosing their clarity.

But one memory that will not die is that of the wonderful Midwestern 'can do it-ive-ness' we encountered the day we were flying home. We got to the Miami airport and realized that the car key we were going to need to get into our car and drive home in, was missing; probably back in Trinidad under the desk. So I got my cell phone charged up and called our son Nick who gave me phone numbers and suggestions. I then called our insurance company who gave us the VIN number so I could call Trail Dodge in Menomonie to get a new key made. Of course, making a key is no simple operation. The newer cars need special keys so the service department called and found the proper type and had it brought to Menomonie. Then they had our Jeep towed to their shop where they programmed the key and then returned the Jeep to the parking area, leaving the bill on the seat, not knowing us from Adam! All this within four hours time.

Not to perpetuate American chauvinism but there is a story about how well the American troops stationed in Trinidad built the roads there. How much better they held up. The joke was though, that Trinidad didn't know where to get asphalt. The reason that is a joke is that there is the La Brea Tar Pits in Trinidad, one of the earth's largest sources of natural asphalt!

Don't get me wrong, we loved our two months in Trinidad and realize that each culture has it's strengths and weaknesses. And traveling sometimes makes you appreciate what you have back home.

We do miss all the fresh fruit we had access to in Trinidad. In Wisconsin we went to the coop and paid $8 for 6 oranges. They were good, but not as good as those we ate right off the trees in Trinidad for free! We have access to better coffee at home though, and such a huge range of things such as beers and wines, cheeses, art supplies, movies and more.

The weather back home this winter has been mercifully warmer this year in fact we've been able to bicycle in March.

I've reorganized my studio since I got home to put up an easel in the middle of the gallery's main floor where I can easily spend time painting rather than having to try to set aside time and space in the midst of a busy day. It's more convenient to do a half hour session now and those half hour sessions can add up! I've continued to develop the portrait of my grand-daughter Sadie and working on a of couple commissions.

Life is good!                            
Orange flowering Imortelle trees in the foreground. Brought to Trinidad to shade the cocoa trees.


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